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Neighborhood Information

Neighborhood Associations
The Old Louisville Neighborhood Council is a federation of the 12 neighborhood associations of Old Louisville. This community is comprised of 10,000 residents and businesses according to the latest census data.

If you are new to the community, review the neighborhood association list below to help determine which association area you are in. Please contact them directly and get involved. They would love to have you. Many associations have social gatherings, festivals, and other events which will get you in touch with many of your neighbors.

If you are unsure who to contact, reach out to the Old Louisville Neighborhood Council headquartered in Central Park, call 502-635-5244 or email us.

Old Louisville Neighborhood Council
Historic Old Louisville Visitors Center

1340 S 4th Street
Louisville, Kentucky  40208


Historic Old Louisville Visitors Center

Open 10am-3pm

Closed Wednesdays and Thursdays


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